Friday, April 28, 2006

turning tables

Misery pulled her in, drew her out, whetted her
Insatiable appetite for indebtedness.
Never mind consent or reciprocity. She dreamed of
Drowning in distant sorrow unconscious.

Yearning ceases not.
Only lonely.
Unhinging with each conquest, defeat;
Relishing no less the luxury of any other life.

Out of depths you stumble, making her
Wince in equal parts surprise and shame -
Not certain whence she flees...

Bully of
Unsuspecting weaklings.
Shadow of a childish beast of
Indiscriminate lust.
Nefarious opportunist.
Eternity too
Short to break our

[16.04 Tue 14-Sep-2004]

To Belle, when we finally caught up after ages. I was struck thrice: first her happiness, then my surprise thereof, finally remorse for being so surprised.

First letter of each line make up a little reminder-to-self to live less vicariously and more ... well, just more.


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